Friday, October 19, 2012

Pipeline of Oil

Recently in class we have been studying the close to home issue of the Enbridge Pipeline. We have had the opportunity to view several articles, and two videos, each with a different point of view about the $6 billion dollar project. I believe that both points of view have very convincing and important arguments that need to be listened to. However, it is my personal belief--more or less--that the environment is more important than whatever money we might make. After all, we can have all the money in the world but if you live in a wasteland, is it worth it?

For example, Enbridge does not have a good track record of effectively cleaning up their spills. Oil spills from 2005 are still floating in rivers and oceans, they are merely contained. Enbridge does have a point that their technology and ability to monitor their pipelines have increased to the point where if a spill was to happen, it would quickly be cleaned up. Many people are hesitant to trust this, though. I believe I am among these people.

Enbridge promises that the revenue earned from this project would outweigh potential risks, and I do not agree. They are risking millions of species by going through the Spirit Bear Rainforest, not only risking the Spirit Bear but the avian species and the plant life that grow there. I understand that Enbridge will replenish the land they hurt afterwards, but in the three and a half years of construction, there is much that cannot be healed.

One of the most key and important arguments supporting the pipeline is that it will increase Canada's international market for it's oil and gas industry. I understand this, and I can say it makes a lot of sense. Canada depends on the United States of America as our sole buyer for our oil. And if and when the U.S.A.'s economy declines, our does as well. I agree that Canada needs to become more independent in the international market.

My final stance on this is if we can find a route that does not endanger millions of species, then Canada should go through with the project. A compromise is what is needed, because Canada needs to protect the animals that live within it's borders, but Canada also needs to be able to support itself.

1 comment:

  1. Really very awesome news this is, I am too much impressed from this informative news, this type of technology will change so many things, so really thankful to you for posting this blog. Pipeline monitoring.
